my day off!! :D

I had today off! OMG I was so excited over it, LOL.
Went and got my haircut this morning. Not too much, since I’m growing it out for my Donna costume. Showed her to the guy who cuts my hair, Frankie, and he said I wouldn’t have any problem getting that length by then and he’d make sure my bangs were right beforehand, too. Yay!

Picked up some thread and some lunch and headed home, where I took a nap after eating lunch. You know there’s a big difference between 1pm and 2pm in my head. At 1pm, it’s like, “I still got all day!” at 2pm I’m like, “OMG the day is almost over!!!!” Well I slept until “OMG the day is almost over!!!!”

So then I got up and actually got some work done. I got one of my Enchantress boots finished!! Here’s a pic off twitter… sorry I’m too lazy to upload it and post it šŸ˜› Ignore Harry Potter pajamas please.

I also finished the belt (looks much better after a few adjustments and top stitching), and started the gloves. Got one glove nearly finished when I ran out of bobbin, so I took that as my sign I was done for the night.

Also I never posted Ashley’s christmas present to me: lots of sewing goodies!. I’ve already used some of it, and lost my other seam ripper today so I got to open my new one, as you can see.

I also took some time and posted some missing Dragoncon pics on my flickr – Chase’s shots of the SOSI and Teen Titans photoshoots. Right here. I’ve still got to get the rest of the gym photoshoot from last year and get it uploaded, too.

Tomorrow I’ve got nothing planned except working, and then in the evening I’ve got my cousin’s birthday party šŸ™‚