
last night i dreamt i was on a road trip with my grandparents. We were out in the country and spent the night at my old high school. I got up in the morning and went into the bathroom, and when I did I left my blanket in there. As we were packing up I went back to get it, and when I did, I realised that all the shelves and things in the bathroom were full of MY old collectibles. I had put them there when I was in high school and had forgotten them, and the school had left them there. I thought to myself, I’m not ever going to come back here, I’m taking all this with me.

So I grabbed a box and started piling stuff in it, and it quickly filled up and I started on another box (the whole time thinking my grandparents are going to kill me for adding all this stuff in the car). I found all these shelves full of models of characters I love (like the kind you put together – and like 200 of them). At first I was going to leave them, because “I don’t like models anymore” (I never have), but then decided to take them because I could sell them.

Then I started on this other shelf that had all these huge Star Wars toys on them, like a huge AT-AT and stuff, all set up nice, and I start sweeping them into another box and I’m thinking how am I going to fit all this?? But I can’t leave it.

That’s all I remember. It’s weird that so many of my dreams are about packing, or trying to pack, and having too much to pack, trying to gather up all my things, etc. I wonder what it means? Maybe that I have too much stuff? LOL.