Sewing Room updates

I worked on my office last night, mostly organizing my patterns. I had too many that were in large ziplock baggies so I spent the evening squishing pattern pieces into my usual smaller baggies. Then I put them all away in my new bench!

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They didn’t all fit, though šŸ™ But I got the majority of them in there. They were supposed to be split up like this: 1st drawer – Simplicity, 2nd – McCall’s, 3rd – Butterick, KwikSew and Vogue. Unfortunately I had more Simplicity then I thought, so there’s Simplicity spread out everywhere whereever they’ll fit LOL (darn those 99 cents sales).
I ended up storing my unopened patterns in the smaller cubbie holes above, at the very back, and some of my oversized things or homeless pieces in the small bins to the left. But they’re all sorted and put away, so I’m happy.
I was also happy my TV fit so nicely on top of the bench, and my PS2 in the cubbie right underneath. Worked out well. I think I stuck too much on the bench, but I was excited to have a new place to put stuff LOL
I also hung up the Black Canary poster Chase gave me years ago, I’ve never got to put it up anywhere. I think he got it for me when we were in the apartment (AKA, where we never finished unpacking so never hung up anything like that). So I’m excited to have it up. I’d like to get a poster frame for it, but right now it’s hung up with those sticky things that are supposed to be removeable, so I can transfer it later.

Anyway, a little randomness –
I have fine hair, so my eyelashes are very fine, too. Without mascara or fake eyelashes, I look like a deer in headlights. So generally when I’m in costume I’ll wear one or the other. Usually just mascara for smaller events, and eyelashes for cons.
I’ve always used the kind you use lash glue for. The kind I usually get is available pretty much anywhere – drugs stores, Target, so it’s easy to just go grab some before an event, and the brand I get (can’t remember the name) has one style that I really like that’s not over the top, so they look a little more natural. (along with some fun crazy ones, too.)
So yeah – the lash glue. This is my problem. I tried to use the alcohol-based liquid kind at one point, and it irritated my eyes so bad I’ve only used it once ever again, and that was an emergency LOL I always used the glue kind, I prefer the kind that starts grey over the kind that starts white, just because it’s less noticeable while it’s drying. It’s always worked pretty well for me though I usually have to have help getting them straight.
They’re fine while I’m wearing them, but the glue also irritates my eyes. Just not right away, after I take them off and go to sleep is when it happens. I wake up with my eyes watering like crazy. Like tears running down my face. It’s so frustrated and annoying. I even tried using eye drops to wash my eyes out after taking them off, but it doesn’t help at all.

So anyway- a couple of months ago I discovered the Revlon brand that is self-adhesive, and has similar styles to the brand I usually get. They’re a bit more expensive – but they don’t irritate my eyes at all!!! Very exciting. I was stoked the first night I woke up without tears streaming down my face.

But here’s the issue. They don’t look as good as the other kind, and I think it’s because they dont stick as well and tend to come up on the edges, making them look wonky (and making me look drunk.)
So what to do? Use the ones that can sometimes make look crazy and drunk but don’t irritate my eyes? Or use the ones that stick and look great but make me cry into my pillow at night? LOL