
this weekend has just been kind-of do nothing. i worked on my costume a bit, almost got the skirt done but forgot i needed a zipper. picked up stuff for kevin’s trunk or treat costume. got to see my dad play some great 60s songs at the arlington harvest festival sat night.
picked up some pants for wonder girl but haven’t decided how to put the stars on that they wont be permanent. may just stitch them on on the corners and pick them off later.
(I want to wear the pants as normal pants and im sorry but giant red stars on the widest part of my body are NOT what I go for on a daily basis.)

Lady Gaga is OUT for GMX because it would mean taking 2 cars. which would be dumb. Chase and I came up with a list of what I’m taking but I forgot it. Jane, Wonder Girl and Ame-Comi Supergirl. Mara Jade/Arica, hopefully…. the shoe repair lady wasn’t sure she could fix my boots. (Well. as long as she puts the tip on the other boot heel i’ll just freaking glue the other one if she can’t fix it.)
dunno what else.
kevin’ll have his superboy. I’ll bring his luke if I can fit it, but it’s a lot of fabric.

geeky stuff:
i finally started reading mockingjay (got done with my “Elizabeth’s London” by Liza Picard, which was very good.). only on chapter 2 but I forgot how engrossing those books are. so I’m heading to bed early to continue reading.

I watched my first Doctor Who episode the other day. I liked it, but I knew I would. I knew once I started it I was going to be stuck so I had to sort of build myself up to it, since for the past few years I have not felt like getting into anything new. (I’ve had Firefly on dvd for 5 years and have never watched it. i feel like I should be punished by the geek community for ever admitting that. especially since i was SUCH a buffy fan.)
have the house to myself tomorrow night so I’ll be able to watch a few more episodes. I’ve watched 5 so far. thank goodness for netflix, though it IS getting in the way of my sewing, darn it LOL