Running errands, costume updates

Spent this morning running last minute errands. Let me see…
CVS for eyelashes and bobbie pins, and looking for lipstick for Gaga. It’s an unusual colour and couldn’t find anything.
Chick-fil-a for breakfast!
Target for snacks for the cooler. I got reese’s, pringles, cokes and starbucks double shots. it’s what I usually subsist on at dragoncon LOL Also again no go on the lipstick.
Walgreen’s to look for lipstick, but again, no.
Best Buy so Chase could look at Ipad skins.
Michael’s for NOTHING because apparently they don’t carry prismacolour markers, sequins and were out of bra straps.
Hancock fabrics for velcro and the aforementioned missing bra straps.
Home Depot for stuff for Chase.
Ulta for lipstick again, found stuff closer but still not right.
Macy’s to go the MAC counter where I found out Gaga has a lipstick with them called Viva Glam, and it’s exactly the colour!! I’m so excited about it LOL The lady at the counter said it has a matching gloss but they’re not getting it til Sept 2. So I just got the lipstick and a clear gloss. It looks pretty good. Anyway –
Hobby Lobby for the marker and sequins Michael’s didn’t have.
Walgreen’s for cold cokes because I was out.

Whew! I was tired when we got home so I took a nap. By the time all that was over with, including the nap, it was 3:30 šŸ™

Despite losing half the day I do feel accomplished. I finished the tiara for Surprise #1 (with the exception of glueing on a few more beads. I didn’t have the right colour I discovered – once I get them it’ll be 5 more minutes with it to be done.), finished my Gaga shoes, finished beading the front of the Surprise #1 dress, and fixed the collar (I’d sewed the snap line on the wrong way) and started attaching the loopy things.
I will definitely have it done tomorrow. I need to finish the edges on the loopy things on sew them in place. glue a few beads on, and it’s done.

I’d been planning on “revealing” what Surprise #1 is for a while, but I wanted a decent pic of it and I haven’t taken one in quite a while. So tomorrow once it’s finished I’ll take a nice shot and post what it is. The wig/tiara is a definite give-away if you’re at all familiar with the source material… anyway.

Tomorrow is also work-on-Magik day, and figuring out Gaga hoops day. Having those two things out of the way will leave just finishing up loose ends, and finishing the sequins on the Gaga bodysuit.

I have watched all of BBC’s Pride and Prejudice while working today LOL Rare I get to watch it all in one sitting! I’m out of things to watch, though. I’m bored with all the usuals. I need to get finished working so I can stop scrounging for things to watch!