Sewing non-costumey stuff

last night’s viewing: 2 mst3ks.

I did a lot of sewing, but none of it was for dragoncon. I pulled out a dress I started making back in 2006 to see how much was left to do on it. I got the skirt finished off and the top put together, and started looking at the waistband. I’m giving myself tonight to finish it – if I don’t, I don’t wear it and have to find something else.

Wear it to what? Chase has to go to this (formal!) Memphis Sports Ball thing. He’s having to rent a tux. Turns out they gave him two tickets so I’m having to scrounge up something to wear – it’s in 2 weeks. I really shouldn’t be spending time sewing something else, but that’s why I gave myself 2 nights to finish it.

I did mess around with the shoes for Surprise #2, didn’t get very far. Also got the nude spandex for MJ so I can get started on that.