Redbirds Troop pics

Last night we did Star Wars night at the Memphis Redbirds’ baseball game. It was a lot of fun – more than I expected! We took pics with guests and Darth Vader threw out the opening pitch.

We set up right in the middle of the opening area of the park – we posed for about an hour before heading in for the game.

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I got a lot of hugs from little girls, more than usual, and one little girl wouldn’t come get her pic with us because she was scared of Vader. So I went over to her and mom told me she was Leia for Halloween šŸ™‚ One little boy, as he was walking off after getting his pic, suddenly turned around as though he’d forgotten, and said, very earnestly, “May the force be with you.” So cute. We also had a baby who was wearing a onesie that said “Barf Vader.”

With a couple of the players…

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We were very impressed by the announcer who introduced us all correctly as the “MidSouth Garrison of the 501st Legion, also known as Vader’s Fist,” and even said Vader was accompanied by “the senator from Alderaan.” As we were leaving the field the announcer “paged” Lando Calrissian. LOL.

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Chase’s friend Tom wore his Vader and we added the platform boots to it to give him the height. The cape wasn’t made for someone to be six inches taller but he looked impressive! And he beat out Chase – he wore it for nearly 2 hours straight. (Chase was shooting the game for the magazine.)
and random pic of me…

My Princess Leia costume from | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram
And finally, a little boy ran up and handed an envelope to Darth Vader. I took it and told him thank you and passed it off to Ash, who was being handler. We finally got to take a look at it while we were standing in the hallway waiting to go on the field. Here’s the envelope:

A little boy ran up and handed this to Darth Vader.I love that it's addressed to "Star Wars Street."

Addressed to “Star Wars Street” — I love it!!
And here’s what was inside:

A little boy ran up and handed this to Darth Vader. This was the letter inside the envelope.


I’ll have Chase’s pics sometime soon.
today’s princess is Padme, I’m really pleased with this one.