Jane updates, and Hoth Leia art

It's almost done. I just need to finish the belt and finish my other boot. I should be done tonight. Finally!(my dressform's neck is messed up so I can't fit my collar on it , which is why it's sticking up like that, I had to button over the top of the dressform LOL)Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

It’s almost done. I just need to finish the belt and finish my other boot. I should be done tonight. Finally!
(my dressform’s neck is messed up so I can’t fit my collar on it , which is why it’s sticking up like that, I had to button over the top of the dressform LOL)

I got to see both sets of my grandparents by surprise today. We ran over to Kevin’s to grab some more clean clothes for him and my grandparents were there watering the plants. 🙂 Then we came home and we were cooking lunch when somebody knocked on the front door… we thought it was another lawn guy but it was my other grandfather standing there holding a bag of food from the casino they brought to us LOL They came in and said hello and gave us an early anniversary present 🙂

anyway, today’s princess.. Hoth Leia

Speaking of which, I picked up this week’s Entertainment Weekly solely for the cover. I kinda want to get it framed, it’s so precious (It’s a picture from ESB of Chewbacca picking up Leia in her Bespin gown.)

  • Annasanchez

    i would love to buy your Jane dress if you are willing to sell to .

    • kelldar

      I don’t sell my costumes, sorry.