Art I bought!

…but not mine! I’ll be back to posting 365 stuff tomorrow.
But for now here are the 2 pieces of art Chase & I got at the con.
Chase got this little card of me dressed as Jane:

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

And he surprised me with this large drawing of Ms. Marvel:

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

(Artists’ links are in the flickr links)
I love them! I’m going to go find frames for them this weekend. I think I can find one off the shelf for my Jane one (going to put it on my desk) but will probably have to get a custom thing for Ms. Marvel.

I just need to gather up all the things I need frames for and take them all with me…

We’re very busy the next couple of weeks — like I said Chase’s parents are here til friday, then we have our anniversary this weekend, and MTAC is the next weekend. I’m going to try to get Julia done, but I haven’t gotten my suit yet – but I asked them to have it to me by 4/29 at the latest so I’m going to go ahead and make my belt this weekend. I’m not going to go into any great detail with it since it’s just for fun.