Dragoncon 2010 plans

I’m obsessing over our Dragoncon room situation at the moment (it appears we have 2 reservations at the Marriott Marquis. Neither of them have Thursday which is a pain in the ass, they’re both Fri-Mon… and 1 reservation for another Marriott in downtown. THANKS crappy housing system. We’re going to have to move from our friend’s room in the Hyatt to our Marriott room mid-day on Friday. Frigging-A.)

But since I’m obsessing over Dragoncon, here’s my costume list so far:
Ame-Comi Black Canary, Magik, Ms Marvel, Stephanie Brown Batgirl, Starfire, Snow White, (one surprise not listed here), Mara Jade as Arica, maybe another Anne Boleyn, Lady Gaga:

(edit: this post used to have photos posted of each costume I wanted to do, but over time they’ve gotten deleted or moved, so instead of trying to find them again, I’m just removing them.)

Also maybe Black Widow, have to wait and see.
