today’s princess is Giselle.

Her “other” pink dress! I loved this dress in the movie, but there’s not a lot of screenshots out there that I could find of it, and no promo pics that I’ve ever seen. Which is too bad, I’d be tempted to make this dress otherwise!
We went to the last Tiger home game today. It was fun. Ash & I were in the other seats, the two extra seats my uncle that are up a few rows from our normal seats. We didn’t have anyone sitting around us for the first half, til a couple of Icky-Strawberry-Shortcake-smelling skanky seat-hopping girls came and sat in the seats right next to us, they were annoying LOL
But it was senior day so it was fun and Ash and I got the blinking blue Tiger sunglasses. When Doneal Mack, one of the seniors, was called out of the game in the last minute, he dropped down in the middle of the court and kissed the Tiger symbol before walking off. It was really sweet and the fans went wild for it. We beat Tulsa soundly.
Got home to find Indy had thrown up once more. She hasn’t the past few days so I thought she was out of it. Vet’s closed now, though… I’m hoping she was just getting it out of her system. Poor girl š Then I let her outside and she rolllllled all in the grass and was completely covered! Geez.