today’s princess is Giselle.

I skipped this dress initially because I didn’t care for it in the movie, but for completeness’ sake, here it is.
I tried all the pieces of my new costumes on last night (all i’ve gotten done, anyway), and was pleased. I intend to sew like crazy this weekend and have the bulk of it done so I can move on to Ms Marvel pretty soon.
MidSouthCon is next weekend! It’s sneaking up on me. It’s usually towards the end of the month (around Chase’s birthday). I’ve been trying to think of what costumes to take, because I have to consider that I’ll be changing in the public restroom or having to drive all the way hom (which, while we live in the same area, would be about a 20-25 minute drive one way.)
I think friday night I’ll wear my regular Leia, or Hoth Leia. Hoth if I can find all the parts, but I know I have all the pieces of regular Leia here at the new house. Saturday I’ll wear Wonder Woman if Chase gets the hard parts finished, if he doesn’t, I may bite the bullet and wear Ame-Comi Wonder Woman. After that, Snow White.
My panel schedule right now is:
Friday – 5:00 PM – Ready for a Close-Up (Costumes inspired by the Silver Screen, in both movies and TV.)
(Told them I don’t know if I can make this one as I’ve got work Friday. So I don’t know if I’m still doing this one.)
Friday – 11:00 PM – Donning The Tights
Saturday – 11:00 AM – Think Outside the Seams (Costuming as an original character that you designed–how to do it and make it cool!)
Saturday – 7:00 PM – The Technical Difficulties of Costuming (Learn all the nuts and bolts of designing a costume–the materials, costs, measurements, and gadgets.)