Today’s princess isn’t Mulan.. but I did watch it last night for the first time in a long time. I bought the dvd on friday and we watched it last night. I forgot how much I liked that movie! Expect another Mulan piece sometime soon. š I’m not crazy about the first two I’ve done, so I want to try again and try to get it right.
I went to work on my costumes for a little while last night, but I didn’t feel like dragging my laptop into the office to watch a dvd. So then I thought of my PS2! I could leave that in my office to watch dvds on. So I dug out the PS2 (it probably hasn’t been used since 2007!) and took it in my office. Popped it open to find Star Wars Battlefront II. Well it was too tempting. I spent an hour playing Battlefront instead of sewing. LOL.
I did work on my costume a little bit – I got the back section of the skirt mostly figured out, and started on the front – but was having a mental roadblock about the front. This morning when I was half-asleep/half-awake it came to me the way I should do it, so back at it tonight.
Today’s Princess is…. Aquata