Lady Gaga costume

I love Lady Gaga. I have planned on doing one of her costumes for Dragoncon for a while, but couldn’t make up my mind which one – it was a tie between the “Mickey Mouse” costume from the Paparazzi video or the “Black Max” costume from the Bad Romance video. I was leaning towards Black Max because it was a bit more simple, with a wig I could reuse.

But her Grammy Red Carpet dress killed both of those. I fell in love with this dress – this is definitely my Dragoncon costume.

(Sorry, the photo link was broken so I removed it.)

It’s a lot more work than I intended to put into my Gaga costume (it was supposed to be a “small” costume -this is definitely a “large” costume – work intensive, and I have to buy specific wig & shoes!) but I think it’s worth it. I’m so excited to start on it…