Belle wedding dress artwork!

I had something to write about, but now I don’t remember what it was.
Kevin stayed over last night because he’s got a hair appointment after mine today. I’m excited to see how his hair turns out.

Today’s princess is Belle. I didn’t want to just do a white version of her ballgown as a wedding dress, so I did this šŸ™‚

I got a couple of costume supplies yesterday. One I’m not telling what it is because it’d probably give away what costume I’m doing! But I’m super excited about it, it’s so cute!
Second I got 2 new MST3K dvd sets LOL It’s hard to find sets that I don’t already have 1 episode out of it, so when I find them I like to buy them. One of them did have one I already have on tape (Soul Taker) but I really like that one so having on dvd will be nice.