Costumes I Want to Do, part 6

Continuing with Movie costumes I want to do!

Arwen’s Chase dress. I did this in 2002 but I was off on a lot of things, I’ve always wanted to make it again because I love this dress.

Arwen’s Hope Dress. I love the purple velvet and the lavender and white sleeves… I almost made this out of the purple velvet my mum gave me for christmas a few years ago, but it wasn’t quite the right purple.

The Diva from the Fifth Element. I love the Fifth Element, and I’ve always thought it would be neat to make a Diva costume, but have never really figured out how.

Team Zissou uniform. I HAVE everything for this costume – in fact my fabric still has pattern pieces pinned to it waiting to be cut out. It’s been sitting like that since… 2005? I bought the shoes on ebay from an overseas seller and they never showed up, and it kinda soured it for me so I set it aside, but I still want to finish it.

Princess Nuala from Hellboy II. This costume is so gorgeous… I was going to make this last year, but I’ve been putting it off since I’m not sure I can pull it off! I’d need contacts for it and I’ve never been good w/wearing contacts.

Anna Valerious’ Blue outfit. I’ve already done her other outfit similar to this, with the wine coloured jacket, but I love this blue variation. I’d love to make this and make a new corset that’s a little more accurate than my first.

Sarah’s Ballgown from Labyrinth. I’ve wanted this dress for so long LOL Have just never gotten to it…