Costumes I Want to Do, Part 5

Movie costumes I want to do! Part 1.

Viola from Shakespeare in Love. I love this dress!

Anne Boleyn from The Other Boleyn Girl – again! I love this blue dress, it’s really similar to the green one I did, but I love the colour and am thinking of doing it for Dragoncon this year.

Katrina from Sleepy Hollow. This is such a neat looking dress, I’d love to make it one day.

Elizabeth. This armor is so neat, I love it! But I’d rather do a court dress I think.

(Unfortunately these photos got lost in a move – sorry! I’m sure they were probably a picture of Norma Shearer.)

Marie Antoinette… but I don’t know what exactly I want to do!! I just really want to do an over-the-top Marie Antoinette gown, possibly for Dragoncon, but it just depends on the workload over the summer.

The White Queen. This is such a pretty dress, but I’m waiting to see the movie before I make any decisions on making it!