Costumes I want to do, Part 1

I keep a folder of costumes/characters I like on my computer… anytime I find something I think is neat I save it and keep it in there for inspiration. I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve had in that folder.

Part 1 is Marvel superhero costumes.

90s Rogue. I’ve wanted to do this costume for YEARS but have just never gotten around to it. One day I will.

Blink. I’ve always thought this would be a fun costume – I like the lavender/green/pink combo.

Magik. I’m doing this for Dragoncon this year finally! It’s been on my want-list since 2004, when I had initially planned to do it for Comic Con 2004.

Wasp. I had a few people suggest I do Wasp, but so far it just hasn’t been the right time.

Crystal. I’ve always liked her hair, which is a weird reason to want to do a costume, but there ya go.

Storm. I can never pull of Storm. But I keep her in my want-to-do folder anyway because I love the costume LOL

Enchantress. I love this costume, I almost did it for Dcon last year but didn’t have time to fool with the wig.

Part 2 will be Wonder Woman & DC Comics costumes šŸ™‚