So I’m building a new corset, and it’s different than any one I’ve ever made. For one, I’ve never made a corset with an open front – I had no idea how to do that, and I had to read the instructions 20 times to understand it. But I successfully got the hoop side in – I’m so proud!
I finally got the mythical shoes for this costume from Target. The whole shipping debacle was ridiculous, but Target refunded me the shipping & tax so it was all good. I’ve GOT to go get fabric, I want to be mostly done with the costume by the end of this month. Crazy I know… but I want to start work on Gaga… and Batgirl too LOL Batgirl I need done by April, Gaga doesn’t need to be done til Dragoncon!
I am excited about the Batgirl costume but I haven’t given it a lot of thought. This version of Batgirl is the first one that’s ever interested me enough to want to make it right away.
And I just realised I’m doing a lot of blonde costumes this year…