Friday, Ash came over and we ate spaghetti and pizza and worked on stuff.
But first, I went to get my petticoat and discovered it’s got dogs.

I guess that’s what I get for putting it next to her kennel. Geez.
And when Ash came over, she brought her new friend.

Aren’t they cute together?

Man I love that mask.


Chase says, put the camera down.
So Saturday came and went, as I posted, and then there was yesterday.

My mid-packing mess, spread out all over the living room. oh boy.
It’ll be nice because after Dragoncon, we can like, live normal lives again and like, not have stuff set everywhere.

Boushh boots being worked on.

Ash making some Ackbar hands.

The first WW skirt, traced onto the back of the leather.

My finished Boushh helmet, wearing a hat.
I’ve decided to carry the helmet in the Dcon parade. I’m not very good at walking in a helmet, I haven’t had much practice.

That thing is freaking heavy, man… ok so maybe not “freaking” heavy, but it does make me want to lean forward to balance it out.

Chase’s Jango Helmet

My wings! We finished the harness last night, works pretty well so far. Tonight we’ll be drilling the holes in the wings to attach them to it.

I’m not sure what’s happening here…

Chase working on my boushh cummerbund.
(it’s finished!)

Wonder Woman on the dressform. Starting at the top, the cape is not yet attached in anyway, it’s just balancing there, the WWs are not attached, theyre just tape on, of all things. LMAO. The skirt is not finished at all, it’s just pinned to the waistband, which is just pinned on the back. The second skirt was not yet finished in this photo (it is now). Tonight I just need to… like, do all that, and it’s finished, on my end.
So what’s left:
KC Wonder Woman:
Attach cape.
Glue WW pieces together, attach to bodice
Sew skirt pieces together, put some kind of closure on the back
Make straps for the shinguards
Get wings ready for harness.
Put spikes on gloves
Grommets on back of cummerbund
Finish Boot tops
Figure out cape attachment
regular Wonder Woman:
Belt still needs cut down
Make tie piece, attach
Make tiara
Replace straps on top
Endor Leia:
Finish holster pouch
Paint gun
that’s it… three nights left to work, we should be ok!