Yesterday was madness.
First off, I was trying to get to work by no later than 9:30 (I usually get there at 10). Went out to my car, and it wouldn’t start. Luckily mum is on summer break, so she was home. I woke her up and she came out and tried to jump my car. Didn’t work. We kept trying, it was hot and icky and buggy outside, and after about 20 minutes I asked mom to please just drive me to work, because by this point I was way later than I had wanted to be. So, she did, and I ended up getting to work at the same time I normally would have (10).
Then, since it’s the first weekday of the month, it was already a very busy day for us. On top of that we were trying to start a new process today. Well, things we going on like normal, when about 30 minutes into the day, our internet went down. That meant ALL of our normal processes were hindered. We had to start hand-writing shipping labels, etc (at one point I was on the phone with Kristie – she had gone next door and begged to use their internet with the laptop so they could check on things – and she was reading off stuff to me to hand-write it all out, about 30-40 orders).
Then to confuse things more – around 2 – the internet came back. So had to go through and replace all the hand-written stuff with the real stuff.
And insult to injury, at 4, when I was sitting there expecting Chase to show up any minute to pick me up so we could run home and I could change clothes – all of a sudden all these other orders started clearing that had to go that day!! (UPS had already picked up – Fedex picks up around 4). So we had to rush around trying to get those done. I was so frustrated!
So Chase got there, we ran home and I changed, then we went downtown to Peabody Place so he could exchange the tickets for Transformers he bought today (he bought them for last night by mistake, he had wanted them for tonight, and you could only exchange them in person). Then we had to go to the other far end of memphis – out ot collierville, about an hour drive. But we managed to get to the caterer we were meeting with in time, although we got a little lost and had to call her.
The meeting her went really well, we were there for an hour and a half! But she was really nice and we liked her a lot. Then we went to eat at Red Robin, and the waiter did not pay attention… we ordered an appetizer (chase even said, “can we have an appetizer, before the meal?”) because we were starving and wanted something to much on while we waited for our burgers. We ordered nachos, and asked for no jalepenos on it. Then I ordered my chicken burger – mayo only. I said, “mayo only” everytime he repeated it back, I ended up saying it 3 times. He even mentioned the mayo and said at first he thought I was asking for it as a side instead of fries, and we all laughed.
So our food comes, and…. they brought the appetizer out with the food. And it had jalepenos on it. AND it had grilled chicken on it, which you could add for a dollar, but we had not asked for. And my chicken burger? So much for mayo only, after the whole conversation! I started to scrap off the tomato and lettuce, I could deal with that, that was fine, but then I looked on the other side of the chicken and it had onions and pickles. EWWWW. It was tainted……! Chase flagged down a waitress and asked if I could get a different bun. She took it and got it switched out pretty quickly.
But the food was good, we packed up the leftovers and headed home – a 40 minute drive. Got home, Chase jumped my car (it worked this time) and I hit the sack.
i hope today is not crazy.