Art Post: The Wizard of Oz poster

So, yeah, I got talked into doing another poster for this semester’s play. I really wasn’t planning to, but Rach called thursday last week and asked if I would. That gave me a week. I kinda freaked out, I just knew it was going to be pushing it, I’d have to stay up all night the night before, etc.
Well, I finished it last night, at 11pm. I never stayed up late once. It went so fast, I don’t know what happened. Wow. It’s not greeeeat but it’ll do I guess. I think the last few I did were better.
Chase did the background and the type, which saved me a lot of time.

So yeah, whoo-hoo, awesome, doing a poster, making some money, without having to stay up late or stressing!!! Here’s hoping we sell a lot. Everything is going in the wedding fund.

Speaking of which, today is our… um, I dunno what to call it — pre-anniversary? LOL One year from today is our wedding. I can’t believe how fast time is flying. The basics are already taken care of : dress, ceremony/reception site, photographer. Now all the “other” stuff – catering, flowers, blah blah blah.

Going back to the art side, though, doing this poster was actually fun, I enjoyed it, it made me want to finish that Obi-Wan pic and Mara Jade pic and Vader pic I’ve had sitting around half-finished for months (or, years, in Obi-Wan’s case). yeah.