when the x-files kept me up

So last night, I decided I wanted to go to bed early, because lately I’ve been waking up in the morning later than I like to. So I closed up shop at 10, I had a snack, and went and read for a little bit. I had the TV on Law and Order (good for falling asleep to) — but then it went off, and X-Files came on.

I was a big X-Files fan back during its original run, but when David Duchovny basically left the show, and then it was Agent Doggett (or however you spell it) and Agent Scully I pretty much stopped watching. Well the episode that came on was one of those I’d never seen, and as soon as I saw it was an Agent Doggett episode, I groaned and wanted to change the channel.
However, I have to get up to change the channel, because the remote doesn’t work, and I didn’t feel like moving, so I just decided to ignore it and go to sleep.

Well, I got totally caught up in the episode. I ended up watching the whole thing. I didn’t get to sleep until after midnight.

Stupid sexy X-Files!