Padme Nightgown and Hoth Leia progress

Making a quick post of my progress from work, because I realised I won’t be home to do this until at least tomorrow night! (Going to my grandmother’s tonight 🙂

The vest as it was yesterday evening:

It's inside out in this picture, the flipped up left side shows the right side.Obviously still needs sewn together, hemmed, collar put on, and a quick dye bath to get it a little darker (it looks blinding white in this picture, which it's not, compared to my white suit I'll be wearing underneath it it's a pale yellow/off-white/eggshell colour, but I want to dye it to bring out that contrast a little more.)Since this picture, I've sewn the front and back and shoulders together, and hemmed the bottom edge. Still need to hem the front and the sleeves, and add the | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Just pinned together, and inside out.

The vest as it is right now:

The bottom is now hemmed - still need to do the front, sleeves, and add the | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Still need to turn the front, the sleeves, make the pocket for the rank badge, and make the collar.
(this pic cracks me up – three costumes on one dressform LOL – the lake dress is on underneath the nightgown)


It's getting there... I've still got to sew the straps on, finish the brooch, finish making the pearl straps and get them attached, hem it, finish the drapes and get them attached, and figure out what to do about the stitches down the front.(my lake dress is on underneath it on the form LOL just ignore that.. and ignore my messy work room!)

Needs hemming, straps attached, finish making pearls and attach them, finish brooch, make hair piece, finish drapes… figure out the stitching up the front, still. I’m still not sure what I want to do, exactly.


My ceremonial Leia medal, before paint, and my Padme nightgown brooch.

My nightgown brooch, and my ceremonial Leia medal (for when I finish that…) 😀