SDCC 2006 Prep

Now that COSI is behind me,  here’s what I need to focus on for Comic Con:

Chase has pretty much got everything done. The pants still need some tweaking, I need to hem his cape, and get the shirt started. The shirt won’t take long (at least I hope it won’t). Now that he has his shoulder armor I can make his undercape. I’m hoping to get all that finished by the end of this month.

Mustafar Padme
She’s almost done, anyway; I just need to hem the top and add the collar, finish the leather straps, the embroidery, and the jewelry. I plan on doing the jewelry and the embroidery this weekend at the prop party; maybe try to finish the tunic this week. Not much else, she’ll be ready for Comic Con.

I already have the bodysuit; I just need to make the boots, gloves and chest straps, and add the white streaks to a wig I already have. Won’t take long. Hopefully these gloves will look better than my Phoenix gloves.

Padme Lake Dress v.3.0
I’m going to use my base dress from v. 2.0 – just alter the back so it comes down lower, that was the only part I wasn’t happy with on it. I want to completely scrap and re-do the chiffon part, though. Get the shape of it better, and dye it better, and Chase wants to make a new necklace to go with it.

White Witch
I’m hoping I can get this done in time for Comic Con. It’ll be a stretch, and if I have to drop something from my schedule to get this done I will. Hopefully with Chase’s help I can finish it. *crosses fingers*