when my ears wouldn’t pop

I am feeling better tonight, still a little clogged up, but I have more energy and don’t feel so zapped.
The one thing that is still bugging me is the feeling my ears haven’t popped. Actually it’s changed a bit from that, it just feels like there’s something in there. Sound is muffled, and it gets worse if I tilt my head, and clears momentarily when I yawn. All I can guess is drainage? And now my neck hurts, on the right side same as the ear that’s giving me the most trouble.
So far the Benedryl hasn’t helped the ears, nor has the Zyrtec, nor the Walfed Severe Cold. I’m going to get some sudafed tomorrow… I gotta ask the pharmacist what else I can do, because this is driving me crazy.
This is the same thing that happened when I came back from paris, I don’t remember how long it took that to clear up, though.