2006 schedule

Atlanta St. Pat’s Parade
I’ve never done this event before, and it’s still not 100% that I’m going to go, but if I can hitch a ride…
Wearing regular Princess Leia, most likely, if not, battle Padme with new shinguards.

Friday I’ll just be there for a couple of hours most likely. I’ll be staying at the hotel sat night this year, for the first time ever!
Friday – Mara Jade
Saturday – Regular Princess Leia, (new) Padme’s Lake dress, Slave Leia
Sunday – Arwen’s Blood Red Dress

I’m not staying at the hotel, staying at a friend’s house, so that’ll mean not so many costume changes šŸ™‚
Friday – Starfire
Saturday – Surprise, Belle, Yuuko
Sunday – Mara Jade or Belle

COSI exhibit
Going Fri-Sun… I’ve been accepted as Princess Leia and Queen Amidala face character, and will be taking along another couple of costumes for when I’m not on my Leia or Amidala shift.
No idea on schedule yet – bringing regular Princess Leia, Imperial Officer and Queen Amidala parade dress

Adventure Con
I’ve never been to this, but I want to go – Hayley Mills is a guest!! OMG
Friday – Arwen red
Saturday – Leia Ceremonial, Padme’s Funeral dress, Slave Leia
Sunday – Padme’s lake dress

Comic Con
Melissa is going with us this year!
Thursday – Belle, The Bride, Ceremonial Leia
Friday – Pame Lake dress, Bespin Leia
Saturday – Surprise costume, Slave Leia, Wonder Woman
Sunday – Wonder Woman

No list for DCon yet.

2006 Costumes…
I know a lot of these I’m classifying as secret, I don’t know why. I’m including them here more for my benefit (so I don’t forget them!)

Padme’s Lake Dress
Remaking it. Still haven’t ordered the fabric, because I’m slightly upset at Denver Fabrics right now and haven’t found another place to order it yet. Will next weekend. I’ll have it done for MidSouthCon

Padme’s Funeral Dress
If I can ever find fabric I like, I’m hoping to have it done for AdCon in June.

Bespin Leia
I finally found fabric, I just need to order it so I can get started on it. Hopefully done sometime by summer.

Leia’s Ceremonial Dress
Completely remaking it from last year, only keeping the shoes. I don’t think it’ll take long, also aiming for AdCon with this one.

Leia ANH dress remake
I’m going to remake the basic white dress, not only because I want to make it out of something thinner and more accurate, but also because the old one is getting… um, old looking!

The Bride
Her yellow suit from Kill Bill vol. 1 – just thought it would be fun to do and easy to wear.

White Witch from Narnia
Her battle outfit… for Dragoncon, most likely.

Wonder Woman
This one is already under way! Chase is working on part of it, if not for him, I’d never do this costume.

Secret Costume Duo for Dragoncon
For me and Melissa, and also Ash. It’s going to be great!

Secret Masquerade Costumes for Dragoncon
We’re still not 100% sure we’re going to do it… it’ll be hard.

Surprise costume for MTAC
I’m so excited šŸ™‚ It’s nothing anime related, but i’ll have it done by then so that’s when I want to debut it.

Finally finish Meph from last year…

Hoth Leia
Make the vest to add to the bodysuit. Probably will wait and do this like, October or something, when it’s cool out again.

Fixes… Starfire’s collar, finish up Yuuko’s sleeves, new rank badge for my Officer uniform, quilting on Mara Jade’s legs, new shinguards for Padme battle.