when we went to shadowcon

So I already posted my one Shadowcon pic… but here it is again anyway because I’m ready to talk more about the weekend.

Cloud City Leia

After getting to the con and hanging out for a while, I started getting a headache and we left; Mel came over after the wedding she was at and we played Scene-It (in which we crushed Ash) and LOTR Trivial Pursuit and talked Dragoncon 2006… all the while my headache kept getting worse.

Sunday I woke up feeling icky. Felt bad all day, managed to pull myself together to meet up with the girls for our Christmas gift exchange (late, I know). We went to Melting Pot (love!!) and I ended up paying for dinner out of guilt for not having my Christmas gifts for everyone done. Bad Kell – I’ve only been working on them for what, 2 months?

Cath and Rachel gave us all boxes they had decorated – the idea is, anytime someone goes somewhere, they bring back something small for everyone else to put in their box. How cute is that? Ash got me a Bib Fortuna action figure (Dey wanna wonga?), a Spiderman pillow case, a little Belle toy (and Mel got Snow White and Cath got Cinderella) and — Disney Princess Zizzlingers!!!! OMG I have been wanting some of those for weeks! I got Princess Jasmine, Cinderella (maid clothes) and Ariel (in her town clothes). EEE!! I want more. Ash knows what I like, LOL šŸ˜€ Then Mel read us all a sweet poem about sisters, then had us all open our gifts, which was a picture frame, with one side empty, and the other side with part of the poem, and underneath the poem it said “Will you be my bridesmaid?” How cute is that? Of course we all said yes! Dec 29 is the big day šŸ™‚

Anyway, I ended up taking off work yesterday because I still felt icky. This morning I felt ok so I came in, but now I’m not feeling so hot again… eyuck.