when i didn’t go at midnight

Ok, everything’s a bit better now, everybody sort of talked me down 🙂
Tomorrow I’m going to go talk to my teacher, and drop the class, most likely.
So anyway, did I go anywhere at midnight to get the ROTS dvd? Heeeeeeeeck no. I was asleep on my aunt’s couch by 10:30. I have no plans to buy it anytime soon, either, I’m just going to wait for the inevitable boxset, seeing as how I don’t have ep 1 or 2 on dvd yet, either.

But…! Yes! Battlefront II! I’ve got to have it, RIGHT NOW. I need some time with a good video game right about now… a few hours straight of Battlefront would do me good. (a few hours straight of Battlefront = a few hours straight of me screaming at the TV. Just ask Ash, I scream at everybody in Battlefront)

I leave Thursday night for nashville. LAAAAAAATE thursday night, mel gets off work at 9, so we probably won’t hit the road until like 10 pm. I don’t mind. I plan on putting on Jesus Christ Superstar and singing the whole way there.

Last time Ash and I listened to Phantom of the Opera and sang along with it… we sang the Phantom like Margaret Dumont and Christine like a man. It was funny. We couldn’t do it for long though, it was cracking us up too much.
Phantom = Margaret Dumont!!!!