Updates on everything, Slave Leia progress

-add braids around the trim on the underdress
-put the trim around the neck of the outer dress

Arwen will be officially 100% done, hopefully tonight, if not tomorrow. I just have to finish handsewing the braid on the underdress.

For Leia…
My original list is finished, but I want to go back and re-do part of the boots. I want to replace the velcro closure I had with snaps, and MAYBE redo the gold trim at the top – if I have time.

Scary progress picture:

My Princess Leia costume from July 2005.In-progress shot.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

For Starfire…
-finish collar
-make bottom 😛
-make boot covers
-make gauntlets
-make belts
-jewels for collar and gauntlets
-cut wig
I got the top made, and I made shorts to wear under the skirt. The skirt and boot covers won’t take long.

Final Comic Con costume schedule… all times are approximate.
Arwen Blood Red 9am-2pm
Ozma 3pm-6pm

Slave Leia 8am-5pm
Hermione 6pm-whenever

Mara Jade 8am-4pm
Queen Amidala 5pm-whenever

Starfire – all day.