CompUSA Troop Pics

Last night SMT did a Star Wars thing for CompUSA – I got a few pictures.

My Princess Leia costume from October 2004. As seen at a Revenge of the Sith promo event in | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

If only the truck wasn’t in the background!.

My dad as Qui-Gon

That’s no droid!

My Princess Leia costume from October 2004. As seen at a Revenge of the Sith promo event in | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

Oh, and here’s one Schmootika took, of me and dad:

Me, as Leia, had a shoot out with a stormtrooper. Dad, as Qui-Gon, ambushed the trooper. The guy filming the stuff said he’d burn us all a copy on DVD! I can’t wait to see it.

And then I took some random pictures.

My desk, which actually shouldn’t really be called a desk, since it only serves as another place to set stuff. I don’t work there, like, ever.

The top of my entertainment center.

My door!!! OMG

I randomly put them all on top of my bunk bed… they’re not staying there long, because they kind of creep me out.

The serger, my Yuuko fabric, and an ancient pattern.

Beginning my Yuuko costume! Here's my fabric I just got.And this is the only photo I have of the construction of yuuko because it was a comedy of errors from beginning to end. I hated this costume up until the moment I put it on at the | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

Working on stuff

This week is BUSSSSSY. All Star Wars events.
SO excited about ROTS. Will post again later.