My computer is being a stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid
Still sick – woke up at 4AM with my fever back in full force. Mom made me stay home from work today. Can’t you tell I’m sooo sad about that? Ha, ha.
Anyway, yeah, my computer. I was going through my files looking for something to set as a new desktop. I came across a little screenshot of Tim Curry from The Worst Witch, and just for my amusement, set it as my desktop (stretched, so it was huge!) After a giggle I went back in to find something else… and everytime I go into Display Properties now, it locks up.
I’m doooomed into having the Grand Wizard on my desktop for forever!!
Something tragic happened last week! One of dad’s friends co-owns a studio here in town and last week it burned – they’re saying it was an electrical problem. Dad said that the studio area wasn’t burned but all the front rooms were destroyed. That makes me so sad, because that place was awesome. We went to their Halloween party last year (I’d link my Halloween pics from it, but it’s kinda pointless, since I’m moving pics around and all the links are broken on the halloween page.)
The article above mentions some of the people who have recorded there – The White Stripes and Wilco, but more importantly, my dad’s band, too!
Anyway. The inside of that studio was just incredible, and now it’s gone forever.
Sad day!