Capes, X-Wing Boxes, dogs

the workroom with pictures of what I’m working on now (plus a picture of arwen’s hope dress, which I’m NOT working on), and you can see my padme and quigon fabric on the far left.

Ash’s nasty workspace!! all that styrofoam!

Ash’s X-Wing Pilot chestbox in progress- looking awesome.

Work station. Cutting out all of the petals! I did 4 basic sizes - very small up to very | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

My workspace – cutting padme petals for the cape.

The cloak I’m working on. Finished except the bottom hem and heming up the front (turning over the nasty edge). The colour is better here, this is what the colour naturally looks like.

Ash and Indy, Indy in her little Holiday Hound shirt.