Leia Progress

I haven’t updated in a while!
Well I’m not making Meg for Halloween. I opted for ANH Leia instead.
I’ve already made the dress twice. I didn’t like the first one, so I got a different fabric and a different pattern and tried again. I’m still not 100% satisfied but it’ll have to do, as I don’t have the extra $$ to pay for MORE fabric. The thing is basically done – I still have to add the collar and the hood:

This was my FIRST dress. I decided I didn't like this one, scrapped it, and started over (see next pic). The belt was just a placeholder, didnt' have that done yet. Also never put the collar in or hemmed the edges, because as I said, I ended up not liking the fabric, or the pattern I used.This particular dress went on to have a second life as my Corde under-robe a few years later.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

My boots I got on ebay. They’re cool.

The leather hide I used for my Leia belt!Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram
I’ve cut my belt out of leather – I started trying to ‘dye’ it white. The guy at the leather store sold me this white leather dye (it was cheap so I got it). It SUCKS. It takes seven or eight coats to make it white, takes *forever* to dry and STINKS so bad.
I haven’t cut the metal pieces out yet.

I bought some loose hair to do the buns with. I did a test run with some old hair I have (the loose hair Ash used for Leia, that matches her hair and not mine!) and it worked pretty well, but I haven’t been able to get it to work good with this new hair. I can’t get the loose hair to hang onto my own hair as well as the previous kind. šŸ˜›

Aaaaaaaand my grandmother got me a dressform for christmas. I knew this, I picked it out when I was at her house over the summer. Well of course she put it away and I’ve been pouting about not have a dressform since. It’s pure torture, knowing that there is one with my name on it sitting at my grandmother’s house while I’m trying to pin stuff onto myself in a rush to finish things for Dragoncon.
Anyway, my grandmother told me she was sending it home with me wednesday! YES! YAY! I’m so excited, I feel like such a dork :B