2005 Convention Schedule

For Halloween this year-
Meg from Hercules. Debating on getting a wig and styling it, or just slumming it and doing my own hair. I’m leaning towards my own hair, just to save money and since it’s just a halloween costume, anyway.

Classic Leia for MidSouthCon next year. I want to make an actual *decent* looking one (as opposed to my crap last minute one from 2002).

Celebration III-
Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars. This is for dad, for Celebration III next year!! Originally he was going to go as Qui-Gon, but he wants to cut his hair off (which I’m totally against, I can’t remember when my dad had short hair last, it’s always been long… but it’s his hair, so whatever) so he’s looking a sort of inbetween Ewan McGregor and Alec Guiness age Obi Wan. Whichever – it’s basically the same, just a few colour changes.

Amidala’s Parade dress – My costume for Celebration III… it’s been done before and very well, but I just love all the petals so I really want to do it!

A-Kon (if I go) –
West Wind from Unico – another use for my way too many white wigs, lol. If I go to Akon next year this’ll be for that.
Yuuko from XXXholic… this was the best pic I could find at short notice of this particular costume. If I’m going to do it it will only be for Akon… if I don’t go to Akon I most likely won’t do it.

San Diego Comic Con 05 –
Wonder Woman
Yzma from the Emperor’s New Groove! Like I would pass up the chance to wear so much purple AND get to look scary beyond all belief?

Dragoncon 05
A couple of people were putting together a Teen Titans group for Dragoncon next year, and needed a Starfire… and I’d been kicking around the idea… what better excuse is there?

I don’t know when I’ll do these, but I want to.
Galadriel – as in the white dress and the grey cloak and the whole nine yards. Not just wearing my Arwen dress with a blonde wig.
Dazzler from X-Men – I’m actually almost done with this. I’ll probably finish it in the next month or so.

I bet I only end up doing 1 or 2 or these I’ve listed. I always change my mind.

And randomly a story Ive been meaning to tell. A couple of weeks I go we were taking some pictures of a couple of costumes out at the Grotto (where I took Belldandy pictures). Since I had a costume change this time I wanted to know whether or not they had a public bathroom I could change in. We called and they assured me that they did indeed have a public restroom, right down from the Grotto itself (The Grotto is in a cemetary). So we found it and I went in to change… and OH MY GOD.
That was the nastiest place I’ve ever seen in my life. I swear I probably got a disease just from going in there. The lights didn’t work on the side that had the toilets. They had left the windows open so there were leaves and dirt and crap everywhere. There were spiderwebs all over the place. A bird had apparently gotten in and pooped in the sink.
It was SO FREAKING NASTY. I went over to the men’s room to see if it was any better (not above changing in the men’s room) but it had 3 or 4 wasps nests in it, too.
Since I *had* to change, I did the bare minimum in the bathroom, and then changed everything else outside, because it was cleaner outside.
Ugh. I still have nightmares about that place.