when i posted some old random art

No reason to freak out like a jerk and kill all humanity!

Cath has gotten me hooked on Pretear. I like Himeno especially – she’s pretty cool.
(no cosplay plans here, though. nothing is has caught my eye)

I’ve been reorganizing my folders on here on my site (groundwork for a complete rebuild in the future) – the art section in particular has had the same file structure since.. probably since 99 (I think I just copied the old file system over from simplenet). And in the process I’ve found a LOT of stuff I’d forgotten about. Stuff that was no longer linked in the gallery (and hasn’t been in ages) or was just done as gifts and never even PUT in the gallery. It’s all OOOOOOOLD but here’s some of more interesting stuff:

Aya Brea of Parasite Eve – date on it is 98. geez.

Cammy of StreetFighter – besides the extremely weird, unfocused eye… OMGWTF BOOBS OF DOOM!

Grendel of Beowulf… This was my very first CG of my own artwork. This would be 96 or 97, because I did it my one year for my english class. My classmates were so impressed. Looking at it now it’s like, whoa, ugh! But I guess I was pretty proud of it then.

A horse – Let’s go back even farther! Judging by the style and shading on the horse I’d say I was around 11 or 12 when I did that.

Rogue – why are her eyes dead?!?!?! This was probably when I was like 12 or 13.

Hoy! – not old at all, but I linked it because it stills make me happy.

Slayers – a Slayers picture I never finished!

Ok that’s all I’m going to link because I’m tired. But one thing I don’t understand is how some of my ‘misc’ artworks (like artwork of other peoples’ characters) got taken down… some stayed up, others didn’t. With no reason, apparently.

I have had “Love the One You’re With” stuck in my head for at least a week. We have it on album (as in vinyl) but I can’t figure out how to record that onto the computer to make a CD (dad knows how but I keep forgetting to ask him). I tried to find it on Itunes but they don’t have it. So I’m going crazy. Arr.
Well, at least Love the One You’re WIth is better, by far, than the Beverly Hillbillies theme song. I had it stuck in my head for like, two weeks straight. It was there while I was at Akon- I was walking around the entire weekend singing it to myself.


Driven by desperation to hear it again (Love the One You’re With, not Beverly Hillbillies), I crawled into the record closet to search for the album. I know we have it but I couldn’t find it – it wasn’t in the right section. I managed to get further back there to a large section of ones that were no longer in alphabetical order. No luck there either, but I did find a (battered but still playable) copy of Jethro Tull’s War Child, which I didn’t even know we HAD.

So, that’s good. One of my all time favourite songs is ‘Skating Away (On the Thin Ice of a New Day)’ and that’s on there, so I’m happy, despite not being able to find Stephen Stills.
On that note, I think one day soon I’ll take all the albums out and re-alphabetize them.
Maybe I’ll catalogue them while I’m at it.