when i was trapped in the bathroom with a dog and a cat

I never thought I’d be posting from my bathtub, but here we are.
There was a confirmed tornado touchdown just down the street from my house – as in, just down the street. Y’know, JUST DOWN THE STREET. I didn’t even hear the sirens until a friend of mine called and asked if I’d heard. I turned off my DVD and went to the back door and could finally hear them. Now I’ve had calls from every freaking person I know telling me to “take cover!”
So here I am sitting on a blanket in my bathtub, with a very unhappy cat and dog. And my laptop.
(Did I mention my parents aren’t home? They’re at a concert. what the heck.)
The warning officially ends at 9:15. I’m out of here then, because this is hecking uncomfortable!

Well, since I’m just sitting here…
This weekend was fun. Friday night the entire family (minus my parents, who didn’t come down until saturday) played Taboo and Catchphrase, which was really funny. Me, Cath, Rachel and David all had our own two story suite, which was nice.
Saturday morning we went swimming. It never fails, I always tell people “I don’t wanna get my hair. Don’t get my hair wet.”
I managed to hold out for about 10 minutes, before we decided to play chicken and Cath and I got knocked over by Rach and David. So yeah we swam all morning, and by the time we got out it felt like 4 in the afternoon. We all went to take showers – and discovered it was only 11:30 in the morning. wow. So then we went to eat. And then my parents finally got there, and we all went to this mall. I got indy a new toy and two new shirts. yay. Then we all sat around. Then we went and ate dinner. My grandfather drives like a crazy man. We played catchphrase again, and then I went to bed.
And today we drove home.

Dude this cat is trying to crawl under the door. Patience dear kitty!
Indy has a gazillion nicknames, but I only have one for each of the cats. Hobbes is Sir Hobbsington the Younger. Calvin is El Calvino. I have no idea where these names came from, they just popped in my head at one time or another.
El Calvino is outside in the garage. I didn’t bother trying to get him in here, too – that would have been crazy. CRAZY I say.

I finally started Harry Potter 5 this weekend. I’m up to… ah… chapter 5. I didn’t read much in the car, because I mostly slept and watched Friends season 7 on the laptop.
Maaaaaann now the watch isn’t over until 9:45.
I’m tired, I want to go to bed. I don’t know why I’m tired; I slept all dang day in the car.

In my bathtub here, my little soapdish broke off a while back. So there’s this weird spot where it used to be, and on it it says “Wexico.” What the heck.
I just noticed that the calendar here in my bathroom is still on January. I don’t guess it really matters- it’s a 2003 calendar anyway.

I need to go the MALL and buy some white shorts.

I’m hungry… I wish my parents would call and bring me some wendys.

ok that’s it. I’m done with this. I’m going back in the living room to my chair.