when aragorn or arwen died, we weren’t sure which

My mom had two birds the she kept in her classroom, and right before winter break they both died. She was sad and her boys in her class were sad, so as a Christmas gift they got her two lovebirds. Wasn’t that nice?

So we’ve been having to keep them here at the house all Christmas break (usually the class pets go home with one of the boys), since they gave them to her on the last day and there was no time to find someone to send them with. I named them Aragorn and Arwen, and mom didn’t say no to that, so they were Aragorn and Arwen.

So this morning mom goes in her bathroom (she keeps them there to keep them away from the dog – the cats couldn’t care less about them), and one of them died in the night šŸ™ And her first day back is tomorrow… she’s going to have to go in to class tomorrow and tell the boys that one of them died just yesterday! How sad.

And we don’t know if it was Aragorn or Arwen who died, because we weren’t sure which was which. oops.

Anyway, my parents have gone off and poor little Aragorn is in there chirping all sadly and stuff. It’s sad.

Man I am just a rambling idiot today.