I have been called a magnificent bastard!
One of my life goals is now fulfilled. Now I just need drive on the autobahn, sign that contract for the SunDowner movie, dive into a pile of money ala Scrooge McDuck, throw a TV out of a hotel window, and have a horde of flying monkeys.
I had a bunch of other cool life goals that I wrote down one day, but now I can’t find the list. Those are the only ones I remember.
Anyway, yeah, that comment over there made my morning.
Speaking of the stupid comic, I bought two plain shirts at hobby lobby yesterday, I’m going to put some pictures from the stupid ass LOTR comic on them to wear to the extended FOTR and TT showings.
I have to pay my down payment for the Paris trip today. Yay š
I bought FFX-2 today. It’ll arrive in a day or two.
I have to study for my math final (it’s on tuesday) this weekend, and finish up all my other projects, including my paper for literature class about The Wall/The Ruling Class/Jekyll and Hyde/How to Get Ahead in Advertising.
I have done no Christmas shopping – I haven’t even really given it a thought. At least I don’t have to worry about my parents this year (I got them Lion King tickets already). That just leaves… everybody else.
I thought there was something else I was going to write about it, but whatever it was I’ve forgotten it.