when i didn’t watch SNL

For some reason, I really don’t like to watch actors or actresses from movies I like doing something like SNL or on some ET report or anything. I can’t explain it. I don’t even like to watch Behind the Scenes stuff, or interviews. It’s weird. Like I didn’t want to watch Elijah Wood on SNL so I skipped. I don’t like to read articles on things I like, either. Why is that?? so weird.

Anyway, yeah, my parents were in the living room watching SNL and kept yelling at me to come look and yelling ‘are you watching this?’
I guess I missed out.

But, go look at my LJ and see my new icon. I made it default by mistake but left it like that to show it off.

Tomorrow will be busy – I’ve got to finish any beading I want to do on the dress tomorrow morning, then after lunch I’m going into work for a few hours to get stuff done since I won’t be there most of this week, and then I have my grandfather’s birthday party (he’s 81!), and then when we all get home tomorrow night I have to put my costume on so we can finish the sleeves freehand. I’ll try to take some pics of it while I’ve got it on tomorrow night. I’ve also got to try to find time to clean out my car, since we’re now taking my car to New Orleans.

(which is ultimately a good thing but it means I’ll be driving the entire time which means I won’t get the nice 14 hours worth of drawing time in. Can’t drive and draw – I’ve tried, it doesn’t work.)

Note to self: don’t forget to go by the bank tomorrow, and buy batteries.