when i made a costume closet

My little project yesterday was turning the old store room into my new costume closet!

(missing photo)

Yay! I have all kinds of space in my room now, it’s so great! I organized everything… all the things that could be hung are hanging on the new bar dad and I installed. All the accessories and things are in the 3 plastic bins against the back wall. My belldandy wings are back there too. My props and stuff are on the counter, and anything that could be hung on the wall is on the wall (along with all my costume design pics). Wigs on the right wall.

it’s so fun it’s like my own little private prop room ! When I get a chance I’m going to put a little shelf on the top of the bar to put other stuff up there.

I’ve got to start on the play poster – I’ve had the pics since thursday but didn’t work on it at all.

I also need to gather up stuff I want to sell- I’m selling a bunch of stuff to make money for Paris šŸ˜€