when i booked plane tickets

I got my plane tickets for Katsucon last night. They are kinda sucky and were expensive, but they were the only ones with the times I wanted. Flying out of Memphis at 7:50 PM Thursday night, plane change in Atlanta, arrive in DC in what is technically Friday morning šŸ˜‰ 12:35! But otherwise mom would have had to leave school early thursday and she didn’t want to do that, or it was like, a 2-3 hour layover in Atlanta. Yuck! Coming back, leaving at 12:30 (during the day this time), getting back into memphis around 5:30. (ever notice how I never know the exact departure times? Oh, but I know the exact times for the first flights!)

And it’s AirTran. I HATE Airtran. But everywhere else was too expensive.

I need to get my hotel rooms today.

I *really* don’t want to go to school today. Arrrgh, three more weeks…..