when i got some leonard nimoy albums

So Mema gave me all these old albums a few weeks ago… mostly from the 50’s and 60’s, some into the 70’s, some belonging to them, so that were my mom’s or one of her brothers or my aunt. There’s some weird stuff in there. She gave them to me to put on ebay but I haven’t had time yet.

I was looking through them this morning for one in particular my aunt said she wanted, and I found not one but two Leonard Nimoy albums. Leonard Nimoy presents Mr Spock’s Music From outer Space, and Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy. On that second one, on the “Leonard Nimoy” side is the classic “Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.”

Oh, this made my morning.

Some of the descriptions of the songs are fun: for “If I Were a Carpenter” the descriptions is “Another ‘modern’ folk song, sung by Nimoy in an unusual rhythmic setting.” Hmm. That sounds intriguing. For “Cotton Candy” it’s “A modern, thought-image in musical setting, written by one of the camera crew of the Star Trek series.” And for “The Difference Between Us” it’s “Could Spock ever feel hidden, deep, emotional love problems? Could he react as a human in a romantic situation?”

Leonard Nimoy is cool.