when i had another birthday

I love my hit tracker, it provides me with much needed entertainment everytime I look at it. Today’s bright spot: someone hit my blog searching for “Elijah+Wood+gets+a+spanking”
Cath I know it was you! You freako!

Again sorry for not being around much lately. It’s just been so busy. But my birthday has been swell, thank you everyone who dropped me a note wishing me a good one šŸ˜€ All week I’ve been watching my cousin, but it was pretty low-stress this time around. Tuesday I went to my (paternal) grandparents house and Mama Gin fixed me all my favourite things. yum. Thursday I had my test on FRACTIONS :O Friday I went to RAT’s Homecoming to see my cousin play (ha – they won 84-0) and then we went and had dinner and saw Matrix 2 at the $2 theater, because Cath, Mel and Josh hadn’t seen it yet, and me and Ash kinda wanted to see it again. Then we came back to my house… Cath and Mel had rented some movies, so we watched those. We watched “Real Women Have Curves,” which we all thought was disappointing and kinda boring. Then some weird (*points up*) Elijah Wood movie that Cath just HAD to watch. I fell asleep a few minutes into that one.

Saturday my birthday we got up and watched Ever After while eating breakfast. My parents gave me my bday present: the Evangelion DVD boxset they’d bought me at AX. I did schoolwork the rest of the day, not really anything important (yet) so it was kinda leisurely. The weather was really nice too so I set the hammock up and worked out there. Then at 9 we met Ash and her parents at my fav restaurant The Melting Pot and we had fondue for dinner and didn’t get home until midnight. I did discover that if you’re there really late and you’re some of the last people in there, they offer you extra stuff with your cheese fondue and chocolate fondue. I was so full I couldn’t ask for more banana for the chocolate tho! Ash’s family gave me a gigantic stuffed Curious George, it’s SO CUTE. And an Operation pen! (it’s a pen and it’s got a little tiny Operation game on it)

Sunday – today – my parents got up and went to church. I slept late :] Then I drove in town and met them and my (maternal) grandparents, Na and Kristie and my aunt and uncle and cousins for lunch at Red Lobster. We ate and made disgusting drinks (don’t ever order a Fricky HooHoo). I got another Target gift card (my gramma had gotten me one too but I got it a few days ago, along with the Lord of the Rings lunchbox I’d had her buy for my birthday back in MARCH!) and some money. then I went over to my cousins house to drop off his stuff I still had in my car, came home, and here I am now.