when i got a new car

Ok, I have a bunch of stuff to hit so bear with me šŸ˜€
-First and foremost, I updated lunatic dingo again last night!

-Secondly, I have a bunch of email to go through, I’m hoping to get to that today.

-I didn’t go to the doctor last week šŸ˜€ Not ’cause I skipped, but because at the time I was supposed to be at the doctor I had to meet with the guy selling me my car. He was going out of town that night and it was the last time he could meet with us that week, so the car took top priority (my parents were tired of driving me everywhere). Unfortunately it was rescheduled for tuesday. argh.

-I got my Ipod friday. (you know, buy a new beetle get a new ipod?) It’s neato. I haven’t gotten to use it yet – it DOES work with Windows… but not Windows 98 & 95, which is what we have. So I’m going to take it to my aunt’s house and start using it there.

-Hustling to get finished for Dragoncon – on Tuesday I’ll have a week left. Amidala is nearly finished. Still got a bit to do on Teela, and to finish my props for Susan. All 3 Powerpuff Girls are finished šŸ˜€ I’m partially packed, too!

-School starts thursday *makes face* School is getting NO attention until AFTER Dragoncon. Remind me to write about how they screwed up my classes later.

-I love my new car šŸ˜€