Art Post: Schlemiel and Schilimazel

This was a project for school!!
This is for a story about these two guys who live in this tiny town where, like, the clock stopped working a long time ago, and the hatmaker’s hats all tilt to one side, and the tablemaker’s tables are all taller on one side or another. These two guys are pretty clumsy and stupid and always getting into trouble, so the other townspeople don’t want them around. one day the king’s messenger arrives and announces in honour of the king’s birthday, he’s having a contest. All the villages can send a cake, and the one he likes best that village whens a new clock tower. And since this vilage’s clock stopped working a long time ago, this village really wants to win. Their baker makes an incredible cake that looks like the king. Well that night all the townspeople, except the two main guys, catch a cold or something and all fall asleep. So the two guys realise that the cake needs to be taken to the castle, but everyone is asleep. So they decide to do it…

(I would tell you the name of the story but I can’t spell it. You know the theme song to Laverne and Shirley? It’s one of the things they say at the beginning… and apologise beforehand if I made you get the Laverne and Shirley theme song stuck in your head.)

So the two village idiots load the cake that looks like the king into a wheelbarrow and set off. Along the way they pass bakers from other villages bringing their cakes and are amazed by the competition. Well, they’re so busy looking at the other cakes that, one way or the other, they ended up knocking the wheelbarrow over and messing up the cake. Consarnit!

So the cake was messed up. The two idiots tried to fix it, but it looked horrible. They went ahead to the castle anyway, and set their ruined cake up next to the other cakes. The King came around looking at each cake, very impressed with all of them. When he got to the idiot’s cake, he stopped and looked at it for a moment. Then he suddenly burst out laughing. He thought the cake was funniest thing he ever saw. He loved it so much, he announced that the idiots – and their village – had won the contest, and the village would get the new clock tower.
And everyone lived happily ever after.