when shipping slowed down

Just a note – I’m going to be putting this on the SD index page with all the other ordering info as soon as I get a chance!

Shipping will take 8-10 weeks. This is to keep our records neat – we try to ship in groups of at least 10, 5 if we have to. If we went out sending one copy every other day, we wouldn’t be able to keep up with it as well. (we also get cheaper shipping by having a group). It used to be faster – when there were more orders, we would send out sooner. Now that orders have slowed down, so has the shipping process.

Finally, as of June 1, we will not be selling any more issues over the internet. Besides the fact I’m running out, I want to save a few for art tables at the last couple of cons this year. So if you want one, get an order in before June 1.