when we played the buffy board game

Ash came over tonight and we finally got to play the Buffy board game she gave me for Xmas. It was fun! Next time we play it it’ll be even more fun since we’ll know what we’re doing a little more. I was the good team (Buffy Willow Xander and Oz) and she was the evel team (Master Spike Drusilla and Darla). She killed my Willow, and I killed her Spike and Dru. But no one can kill my Xander! Mwahaha! In the end we just had to call it a tie cause it had been going on so long and she had to leave.

It’s cool though, cause you can switch storylines. Like this time we played the season 1 storyline, but you can play season 2, 3 or 4 too, and have different characters. Isn’t that neat?

And I know I haven’t said it much this season, but GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!