So this morning I was not feeling good, was in one horrible evil mood and made a very loud, angry post about various things I wanted to bitch about!
And then blogger ate it.
That just ticked me off even more! I was in that wretched mood until I took 3 walgreens knock-off Advil… I usually take 1 but I called my auntie and she said 3.
So I was ok until the cramps started creeping back around 1ish, so she gave me 3 more to take.
Then I took 2 more when I got home.
Maybe I shouldn’t go out tonight š Dad’s band is playing for St. Patrick’s Day. Mom and I aren’t planning on going. I have a lot of homework to do.
In the car this morning, I realised that my shamrock sticker has been on my rearview mirror for exactly a year now. Woo!
…it was also in the car this morning I realised I’d forgotten to wear green. I was wearing purple and blue. No green anywhere! So I hunted around my car and found a green hairband and put that in my hair. Yay.
Anyway. Two things I included in my post this morning that *weren’t* bitchy were these!
A Jupiter CG by projectanime, and a Rally CG by shin! AWESOME THANKS GUYS!!