when i thought about being aragorn

OK ok ok last post for today I swear!!

Mom wants me to make Arwen’s Blood Red Dress for Dragoncon/ROTK opening.

But it’s just not interesting me. I mean, it’s very pretty, but making it would be just like making the Eowyn dress again, or my Chase outer dress. It’s pretty much the same.

You know what I want to do? I wanna go as Aragorn. I think it would be a lot more comfortable, and a lot more interesting. I could buy a lot of the pieces, but I would have to distress them all to give them that worn look his costume has. And I would have to figure out a way to do facial hair. The main thing keeping me from doing this is that I think I’ll look too girly. If I do Aragorn for DC I may still do the Blood Red for the ROTK opening.

What do you guys think? Should I try Aragorn?